Friday, April 1, 2011


President of this one was an antique, he was not bothered at all by the massive demonstrations against him. even, HE WANT TO GET OUT FOR SPEECH A FEW MINUTES AFTER GET A TELEPHONE CALL FROM PRESIDENT of AMERICA, BARACK OBAMA 

this is more or less the content of his speech ..."I've struggled a lot for this country, I've sacrificed a lot for this country ...I will complete my tenure, I will not resign because it betrayed the constitution.I will fight for Egypt and make improvements at the end of my tenure. I was born here, live here, sacrificed and struggled for so long for this country and I will die here! I would not walk out from this country. in the upcoming election I will not go anymore because I had enough with my sacrifice. The transition of power should be done with a fine rather than by force and I ASSIGNED SECURITY FOR CATCH UP the vandals!"
Protesters angered by this speech and  they will make an even bigger demonstration next Friday. This had feared would be a massacre and greater human rights violations by the Egyptian government!

Watch out! This is just the beginning, see this signal:
ONE, the President stated unequivocally did not want to resign
TWO, the president in his final speech to say "just tripe" that is giving orders to the military to act decisively on the "rioters" to restore stability in the country.
THREE, protesters angry and threatening to do a demo that is much greater on the day next Friday, with a demand: 'the president down or die!

imagine what will happen tomorrow Friday.
horror ................................................. .....................
several parties have indicated there will be a bloodbath in the city of cairo egypt !

What would happen if the political storm Egyptian city was burned again by the emergence of the demons hosny mubarak supporters who do a demo fight!

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